Welcome to our range of Point Of Lay hybrid poultry. While you will find only pure-bred poultry on our Other web pages, the poultry on this page are from hybrid breeds. These birds are healthy, hardy and come from one of leading suppliers in the UK; all poultry are FULLY VACCINATED and transported by specialist DEFRA registered couriers to ensure the birds’ welfare and make the journey as stress-free as possible.

Our hybrid birds are reared indoors until approx 10-16 weeks old depending on time of year, but with freedom to run around and plenty of space.

For orders of 1-12 Pullets we usually hold about a dozen birds of each type in stock at Orchard Poultry for availability for collection or delivery most of the Spring, Summer and into the Autumn, These are restocked each month, Larger orders 20-30+ pullets of one type will not be a option this season 2022 due to a shortage in supply of Pullets from our supplier.

POL Hybrids –

Planning to restock our poultry for spring from end of March/April 2025 providing all bird-flu restrictions are lifted.
